• Northwestern BC, Canada. (~1hr 30 min flight from Metallis’ headquarters in Vancouver)
  • Remote location has meant until recently area is underexplored compared to other gold districts around the globe
  • Elephant Country – significant number of world class discoveries have been made in the area
  • Mining friendly jurisdiction – once discoveries are made there is a history of projects getting developed into production
  • Receding glaciers are creating even further exploration opportunities for exploration
  • Red Line is a significant geological marker in the area


  • 10 kms of the Red Line is found on the Kirkham


  • Types of deposit in the area: VMS/Nickel/Porphyry


  • Kirkham has Exploration potential for Copper, Gold and Nickel
  • Northwestern BC, Canada. (~1hr 30 min flight from Metallis’ headquarters in Vancouver)
  • Remote location has meant until recently area is underexplored compared to other gold districts around the globe
  • Elephant Country – significant number of world class discoveries have been made in the area
  • Mining friendly jurisdiction – once discoveries are made there is a history of projects getting developed into production
  • Receding glaciers are creating even further exploration opportunities for exploration