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Metallis Resources Inc. is a Vancouver-based company focused on the exploration for gold, copper and silver on its flagship 100%-owned Kirkham Property in Canada, situated in northwest British Columbia’s Golden Triangle, and on the Greyhound Property, a gold/silver/antimony target in Idaho, USA.

The Company optioned Greyhound Property located in Custer County, Idaho, approximately 42 km northwest of the town of Stanley, in February 2024. This property was the center of an active silver mining camp in the early 1900’s and at one point contained a smelter and two active mines situated along a 3.6 km mineralized shear zone. Since 1910, the property has seen limited exploration and only minor development when the Greyhound Mine was reactivated and mined sporadically from 1980-1991. The last remaining ore from this period was shipped to a smelter in 2000 and the property remains substantially underexplored.

Metallis trades under the symbols MTS on the TSX Venture Exchange, MTLFF on the OTCQB Exchange, and 0CVM on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.


  • Highly experienced exploration team with involvement in major discoveries in the Golden Triangle and around the globe
  • Fiscally responsible management – After 8 years of operation only ~79 Million Shares are Issued & Outstanding with no roll backs to date
  • ~9% management ownership, without a single share being sold in 8 years (options included)
  • Working capital of ~$500,000, well financed for 2025
  • 100% ownership of key assets including NSR on the Kirkham property’s main target (Cliff Porphyry Corridor)


  • Northwestern BC, Canada. (~1hr 30 min flight from Metallis’ headquarters in Vancouver)
  • Remote location has meant until recently area is underexplored compared to other gold districts around the globe
  • Elephant Country – significant number of world class discoveries have been made in the area
  • Mining friendly jurisdiction – once discoveries are made there is a history of projects getting developed into production
  • Receding glaciers are creating even further exploration opportunities for exploration



  • $4.5 Billion in recent development
  • Hydroelectric power plants
  • 287 Kilovolt transmission line
  • Paved 2 lane highway
  • All-weather access roads & airstrips